The newest member of the Ranch has 4 wheels instead of 4 legs. That’s right, we got our first ever freezer van!

We will be putting this to good use delivering beef and participating in some events as well. This van was a big dream of ours, and it was able to come true thanks to the WSDA (Washington State Department of Agriculture) Local Food System Infrastructure Grant.
When this grant opened last spring I sharpened my pencil, leaned on my former career in education, and put together the best proposal I could at the time. I hit “send” on my computer and “send” on a prayer simultaneously, but did not have a lot of confidence that anything would come to fruition. Getting that award announcement was like the joy of Christmas morning! This van will put on a lot of miles, and I can’t wait to see you on the road.

Shout out to Cambio Creative for support on vinyl design, and the talented John Sasser at Integrity Design in Walla Walla for the vinyl printing and application. A team effort with an awesome outcome!